The Intermontane West and the Bay Area

Mining has played a crucial role in the history of the Interior West. The discovery of gold, silver, copper and other minerals attracted people from all over the U.S. to this region. During the 1800's, mining communities were springing up all over in the intermontane west as miners migrated here in hopes of making quick profits. A lot of these mining communities became permanently settled towns and created opportunities for other people such as farmers and lawyers to settle in the region in support of the miners. Over time, mining became the primary economic activity in the region. 

The California gold rush is a vital time in the history of California and the San Francisco Bay Area. When gold was discovered in California in 1848, approximately 300,000 people migrated to California that year. This influx of people had a huge impact on not only California, but the Bay Area as well. For example, San Francisco grew from a population of 200 in 1846 to 36,000 in 1852 as people from all over the world including China migrated to the Bay Area and California. This meant an increase of goods being imported and exported through the San Francisco bay. With the spike in population also came increased building of roads, schools, and towns and the Bay Area began to grow. 

During the gold rush, gold-seeking miners were called forty-niners. Today the San Francisco 49ers pay tribute to the Bay Areas gold rush and its effects on the region with their name. 

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